Black Prime Gear: A partial representation of African American creativity in American society

Black Prime Gear is a unisex T-shirt brand for adults. Black Prime Gear was created by Shawon FALTZ of Williamsburg, Virginia. The brand is a partial representation of African American creativity in American society.

For the owner Shawon, Black Prime Gear means:

(Black) “In this moment of time African Americans have never been more powerful. Not in the “Take Over” form but we have been more impactful through the years. As history shows, African Americans, have always had to fight for their equality. We have reached that point. We have earned our place”.

(Prime) “Our creativity and excellence have been displayed at it’s rarest form. We have reached our prime. In this prime moment we will continue to apply the pressure and open doors of success to our future generations”.

(Gear) “The vision of Black Prime being brought to life and expressed through street wear. Black Prime Gear is the expression of excellence through creative street wear clothing”.

In time Black Prime Gear look to expand to all men, women & children.

You can find Black Prime Gear at


Instagram: @Freegame_bpg